πŸ§˜πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ self design as a system, encoded philosophy, integral spirituality and conscious life operating systems

the age-old challenge of self design is both a work of design and deconstruction.

consciousness itself (states & stages), psychological development, learning/lines of intelligence, trauma, intimacy, flow states, altered states.

why integral is so powerful: it provides an agnostic view. a way of indexing, interpreting and categorizing spiritual experiences.

i could quote the works of eric brown on hedonic engineering: building a psycho-spiritual growth stack, euvie ivanova on psycho-technologies for the age of collapse, john vervaeke on religion that is not a religion, psychotechnologies and distributed cognition and the meaning crisis as a whole.

(i love their works and recommend them as a whole)

plus some possibility management on thoughtware upgrades...